Huidzorg West Price List

Below you will find a complete overview of the price of all our treatments (prices as of 1 January 2025).

Many of our treatments are covered by your health insurance company.

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Huidtherapeutisch consult (1 hulpvraag) 15 min gratis
Consultation 30 min 35.00
Consultation and Observ Skin analysis 45 min 45.00
Acne therapy
Acnetherapie from 65.00
Acne behandeling in combinatie met consult incl. huidanalyse Observ 60 min 70.00
Acne treatment in combination with peeling from 90.00
Acne treatment in combination with laser from 175.00
Acne behandeling in combinatie met laser + peeling from 200.00
Cosmetische behandelingen
1/2 Zone fixed price 85.00
1 Zone fixed price 170.00
2 Zones fixed price 290.00
3 Zones fixed price 399.00
Medische botox
Overmatige transpiratie from 495.00
Migraine from 170.00
Kaakklemmen from 290.00
Camouflage therapy
Camouflagetherapie - advies en training (excl. producten) 30 min 65.00
Edema therapy
Edema therapy 30 min 60.00*
Fitting of aids 30 min 60.00
Electric epilation
Electric Epilation starting rate 15 min 45.00
30 min 65.00
45 min 95.00
60 min 125.00
Endermotherapy- cosmetic
Lipomassage 30 min 65.00
Lipomassage - 2 Zones Kuur 10 behandelingen 600.00
Lipomassage - 2 Zones Kuur 20 behandelingen 1100.00
Lipomassage Gelaat 30 min 65.00
Lipomassage Gelaat + milde peeling 30 min 115.00
Lipomassage Gelaat + TCA of Retinol peeling 30 min 180.00
Fractional laser treatment
Huidverbetering, acnelittekens, chirurgische littekens
Intakegesprek 30 min gratis
Cheeks fixed price 200.00
Eye area fixed price 175.00
Upper lip fixed price 150.00
Around the mouth fixed price 175.00
Forehead fixed price 175.00
Neck fixed price 200.00
Decolletage fixed price 250.00
Mondgebied + wangen fixed price 250.00
Hele gelaat fixed price 325.00
Hele gelaat + hals fixed price 375.00
Littekenbehandeling of striae
Enkele striae striemen | Litteken < 10cm fixed price 125.00
Middelgroot gebied striemen | Litteken < 25cm from 175.00
Large area 30 min 250.00
Extra large area 30 min 325.00
Kuur van 3 behandelingen | 10% korting
Enkele striae striemen | Litteken < 10cm 10% korting 337.50
Middelgroot gebied striemen | Litteken < 25cm | vanaf 10% korting 472.50
Large area 10% korting 675.00
Extra large area 10% korting 877.50
Laser hair removal
Bottom lip fixed price 40.00
Between the eyebrows fixed price 55.00
Upper lip fixed price 75.00
Forehead fixed price 95.00
Jukbeenderen fixed price 75.00
Ears or nose hairs fixed price 75.00
Chin fixed price 90.00
Eyebrows (between and above) fixed price 90.00
Bakkebaarden fixed price 100.00
Nek fixed price 120.00
Cheeks fixed price 120.00
Neck fixed price 125.00
Chin and upper lip (perioral) fixed price 140.00
Kin en stukje hals (tot eerste halslijn) fixed price 140.00
Perioraal en hals (tot eerste halslijn) fixed price 170.00
Beard area fixed price 225.00
Face complete fixed price 240.00
Stripe belly fixed price 90.00
Areola fixed price 80.00
Area between the breasts fixed price 90.00
Sinus Pilonidalis (bilnaad) fixed price 125.00
Foot back and toes fixed price 90.00
Hands fixed price 90.00
Oksels fixed price 95.00
Bikinilijn klein fixed price 150.00
Bikinilijn normaal fixed price 175.00
Bikinilijn uitgebreid fixed price 200.00
Onderarmen fixed price 175.00
Onderarmen incl. handen fixed price 195.00
Buttocks fixed price 175.00
Chest (men) fixed price 175.00
Belly fixed price 175.00
Onderbenen fixed price 225.00
Onderbenen incl. knie fixed price 250.00
Upper legs fixed price 275.00
Borst en buik fixed price 275.00
Whole arms fixed price 275.00
Back without shoulders fixed price 295.00
Back with shoulders fixed price 375.00
Armpits and bikini line small fixed price 200.00
Oksels en bikinilijn medium fixed price 225.00
Armpits and bikini line extended fixed price 250.00
Lower legs and bikini area fixed price 275.00
Onderbenen, knie en bikinilijn klein fixed price 295.00
Upper legs and bikini line small fixed price 300.00
Complete legs fixed price 450.00
Gehele benen en bikinilijn (klein) fixed price 475.00
Gehele benen, bikinilijn (klein) en oksels fixed price 525.00
Laser treatment of acne scars
Small area / some scars from 125.00
Middle area / cheeks from 200.00
Large area / whole face from 350.00
Leg veins ND Yag laser treatment
Intakegesprek gratis
Small area 10 pulsen 150.00
Medium-sized area < 15 min 200.00
Large area < 25 min 275.00
Extra large area 30 min 350.00
10% korting bij kuur van 3 behandelingen
Small area 10 pulsen 405.00
Medium area < 15 min 540.00
Large area < 25 min 742.50
Extra large area 30 min 945.00
Microneedling incl. peeling
Microneedling gelaat of hals 45 min 200.00
Microneedling gelaat + hals 45 min 230.00
Microneedling i.c.m. TCA (Pixel-peel) 60 min 250.00
Microneedling excl. peeling
Gelaat of hals 30 min 175.00
Gelaat en hals 45 min 225.00
Enkel plekje < 5 min 85.00
Small area <10 min 105.00
Medium area <25 min 175.00
Large area <40 min 225.00
Superficial peeling from 90.00
TCA from 150.00
Retinol peeling from 150.00
Cosmo peel forte from 455.00
Mela peel forte from 220.00
Toskani Spot Out peeling from 395.00
Pigment laser treatment
Small area from 90.00
Medium surface area from 150.00
Large surface area from 200.00
Redness and blood vessel laser treatment
Small area from 90.00
Medium surface area vanaf 150.00
Large surface area from 200.00
Scar Therapy
Scar massage 30 min 60.00*
Scar treatment with fractional laser < 10 cm 125.00
< 25 cm | vanaf 175.00
Stretchmarks laser treatment
Intakegesprek is gratis
Enkele striae striemen | Litteken < 10cm fixed price 125.00
Middelgroot gebied striemen | Litteken < 25cm from 175.00
Large area 30 min 250.00
Extra large area 30 min 325.00
Kuur van 3 behandelingen | 10% korting
Enkele striae striemen | Litteken < 10cm 10% korting 337.50
Middelgroot gebied striemen | Litteken < 25cm | vanaf 10% korting 472.50
Large area 10% korting 675.00
Extra large area 10% korting 877.50
Removal of Benign Skin Tumors
Electro coagulation / Cryopen / Curettage Single spot 55.00
Up to 5 spots 75.00
Up to 10 spots 125.00

* The Consultation Fee is 35 euros. If a treatment can be started immediately or if a laser treatment is planned, the consultation fee will be deducted from the first treatment.

* *Special arrangements apply to the above treatments. Every health insurance company has a fixed rate for these therapies.

For chronic conditions, the first 20 treatments are covered by the additional package; from the 21st treatment onwards, the treatments are covered by the basic health insurance. If there is no supplementary insurance, the first 20 treatments are at your own expense, after which a claim can be made under the basic insurance.

The above rates are guide prices for each laser treatment. The exact price per treatment will be given during the consultation. The price of the laser treatment depends on the size of the area. The fee for the first consultation is 35 euros. This consultation is offered free of charge when you decide to start laser treatment.

Huidzorg West wants to provide the best quality care to medical and cosmetic clients in the field of skin and oedema therapy in Delft, Rijswijk and the surrounding area. You can contact us for skin therapy, skin improvement and medical treatments.

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