General Terms and Conditions

Huidzorg West uses the following general terms and conditions.

General conditions:
1. General
1.1. In these terms and conditions Huidzorg West shall be understood to mean Huidzorg West, practice for skin and oedema therapy with its head office at Plein Delftzicht 56, 2627 CA Delft and the skin therapists affiliated to Huidzorg West. The skin therapists affiliated to Huidzorg Delft are members of the
Dutch Association of Skin Therapists (NVH) and work in accordance with the current Professional Code of the
1.2. For the purposes of these terms and conditions, ‘client/patient’ means the person who commissions Huidzorg West for treatment.
1.3. In these terms and conditions, ‘client/patient’ also means his legal representative.
1.4. These conditions form part of any agreement between the client/patient and Huidzorg West.
1.5. These terms and conditions shall also apply in cases where Huidzorg West engages third parties for the execution of the order.
1.6. A medical treatment agreement (pursuant to Book 7, Title 7, Section 5 of the Dutch Civil Code) between Huidzorg West and the client/patient is also subject to the Medical Treatment Agreement Act.
1.7. The effect of article 7:404 and article 7:407 paragraph 2 of the Dutch Civil Code is explicitly excluded.

2. Agreement
2.1. The agreement between Huidzorg West and the client/patient encompasses the client’s/patient’s assignment to Huidzorg West for medical or non-medical treatment.
2.2. Huidzorg West is entitled not to accommodate an unreasonable request from the client/patient and may refuse to carry out treatment.
2.3. Termination or suspension of the agreement is possible if the client/patient behaves improperly or unethically towards Huidzorg West or its employees or the volunteers working there and/or towards fellow patients or their visitors.

3. Consent
3.1. The client/patient grants permission to Huidzorg West prior to the execution of the treatment agreement.
3.2. Huidzorg West may require the client/patient to confirm their consent in writing.
3.3. The client’s/patient’s consent also includes the authority of Huidzorg West to engage auxiliary persons and to accept any limitation of liability of auxiliary persons on behalf of the client/patient. Huidzorg West is not liable for the choice of representative and for any shortcomings of this representative, except in the case of intent or conscious recklessness on the part of Huidzorg West.
3.4. In the event that the client/patient refuses or withdraws consent, Huidzorg West will not or no longer carry out treatment.

4. Information
The client/patient should inform Huidzorg West and keep it informed of all information required for a proper execution of the agreement.

5. Rates and health insurance
5.1. Rates apply, unless expressly agreed otherwise in writing, for the duration of a calendar year and may be adjusted annually.5.2. The client/patient ensures that he is aware of whether and to what extent his insurer reimburses the treatment. Furthermore, it is the responsibility of the client/patient to send invoices to his insurer.

6. Payment
6.1. The client/patient will ensure full payment, after receipt of the invoice from Huidzorg West, within 14 days of the date to the relevant Huidzorg West account, stating the invoice number.6.2. Regardless of whether the invoice is reimbursed by the insurer, the client/patient remains liable at all times for the full and timely payment of the invoice.
6.3. Payments shall first be deducted from the oldest outstanding invoices.
6.4. In the event that the client/patient does not pay the invoice on time and/or in full, he will be in default. Huidzorg West is then entitled to charge the client/patient the statutory interest on the amount of the invoice, or the remainder thereof. In such cases Huidzorg West shall also be entitled to take (or have taken) collection measures.
The costs related to the collection (including extrajudicial and other costs) shall be borne by the client/patient.
6.5. In the event of payment arrears, Huidzorg West shall be entitled to suspend further treatment or only if advance payment is made, except where the amount of the payment arrears, the need for the skin therapeutic treatment or the urgency of the matter dictate otherwise.
6.6. The payment obligation shall not be suspended because the client/patient submits a complaint against Huidzorg West about the invoice and/or the treatment, unless Huidzorg West agrees to the suspension of the payment obligation.
6.7. The payment obligation shall not lapse if the client/patient terminates the agreement or requests Huidzorg West to transfer the treatment to another person.

7. Cancellation
7.1. If the client/patient is unable to attend an appointment, he/she must cancel it with Huidzorg West no later than forty-eight (48) hours in advance. If you are unable to attend an appointment on a Monday, the appointment must have been cancelled on the Friday before 12.00 hours prior to the appointment.
7.2. If the client/patient does not cancel or does not cancel on time, the skin therapist may charge the treatment fee in full or in part.
7.3. Appointments can only be cancelled by phone or email. The cancellation is registered by Huidzorg West at the moment the client/patient calls, leaves a message on the answering machine or receives an email confirmation from Huidzorg West.

8. Liability
If during treatment, which also includes failure to carry out a treatment, or failure to carry it out in full or on time, an event occurs that leads to the liability of Huidzorg West, such liability is limited to the amount paid out under the liability insurance policy taken out by Huidzorg West. However, Huidzorg West shall not be liable in the event that, at the time the event occurs, the client/patient is in default of the fulfilment of any obligation towards Huidzorg West.

9. Complaints
9.1. In the event of dissatisfaction or a complaint from the client/patient about the treatment by Skin Care Delft, the patient should report this to Skin Care Delft as soon as possible. Huidzorg West and the client/patient shall then both endeavour to find a solution.
9.2. If a solution proves impossible, the client/patient can refer the matter to the internal NVH complaints committee: the Patient Advice Committee (PAC). This committee will mediate between Huidzorg West and the client/patient.
9.3. If the mediation by the PAC does not lead to a solution, the client/patient can appeal to the National Complaints Committee for Paramedics (

10. Invalidity
In the event that any provision of these terms and conditions is invalid or voidable, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions.

11. Applicable law
Dutch law shall apply exclusively to the agreement concluded between Huidzorg West and the client/patient, and to any further agreements concluded in execution thereof.

12. Amendment
12.1. Huidzorg West reserves the right to amend these conditions at any time.
12.2. Amendments will be made known to the client/patient in writing or electronically via the website ( and will come into force one (1) month after the date of such notification, unless otherwise stated in the notification. If the client/patient does not object to the change in the terms and conditions within one (1) month after the date of publication, the client/patient is deemed to have accepted the change. If the Customer/Patient objects to the amendment of the conditions within one (1) month after the date of the announcement, this shall constitute a ground for dissolution of the Agreement.”

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