Helping your skin heal.


What is Acne?

Acne pimples are one of the most common skin complaints. When you suffer from acne, your pores are clogged with sebum, bacteria and oily acids. Sebum accumulations that cause inflammation of the surrounding skin due to excessive sebum production.

Acne often starts in the teenage years, hence the term youth pimples. Pimples can be found on different locations on the body, such as the face, but acne is also common on the back and chest.

This skin condition comes in different types. Nowadays, we are also familiar with the term maskne: acne as a result of wearing a mouth mask. Acne can also cause acne scars.

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Types Acne

Acne comes in different forms. Common types of acne include:

Comedonal acne

The comedones, or blackheads, disfigure your skin. The skin looks lumpy and irregular due to the presence of many sebum accumulations. Although the occurrence of inflammations cannot be ruled out, pimples are almost non-existent in this form of acne.

Acne conglobata

This involves very severe inflammation of the sebaceous glands, which leads to thick red and painful bumps (infiltrates), which usually occur on the back.

Acne excoriée des jeunes filles 

An awkward, French name for a form of acne that we also call “crab acne”. Usually, acne excoriata occurs in young girls and women, but it also occurs in young boys and men.

Acne tarda

Acne tarda is a form of acne that often occurs in women aged 25 or over and usually manifests itself on the lower half of the face.

Acne vulgaris

Acne vulgaris is the medical term for juvenile pimples and is one of the most common skin complaints.

Treatments against Acne

Various acne treatments are offered by Huidzorg West. The therapy to be used varies according to the type. During the initial consultation, we discuss the symptoms and assess your skin. In this way, we give you advice and come up with a tailor-made acne treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions


Acne therapy is reimbursed from the supplementary insurance. Depending on your health insurance policy, you may be reimbursed for this. Look in this handy overview to find out whether acne therapy is (partially) reimbursed.

The correct home treatment is of great importance. Often, aggressive skin care products are used, which further unbalances the skin. The use of drying products signals your body to start producing sebum, which results in worsening acne.
At Huidzorg West we advise skin care products that balance the skin first. We go back to basics and guide you through this process.

Once the skin is in balance, the skin therapist looks at whether additional skin care is needed to reduce acne and prevent acne scarring. At Huidzorg West we are happy to give you appropriate skin advice.

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