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Acne Tarda

Acne tarda is a form of acne that often occurs in women aged 25 years or older and mainly affects the chin, jawline and neck. The form of Acne is also called ‘adult acne’. Acne Tarda is characterised mainly by the display of deeper inflammations and pimples. Often there are also blackheads visible.

The development of acne tarda and having acne later in life is often very frustrating. We at Huidzorg West understand this like no other and are happy to help you get your skin back under control.

Frequently asked questions about acne tarda
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Treatments against Acne Tarda

The treatment of acne tarda consists of expert removal of the inflammation and blackheads, with the aim of controlling the production of sebum and thinning the top layer of skin. For this, we often combine an acne treatment with a chemical peel. Home products with exfoliating properties are also recommended to speed up the treatment process.As soon as the acne is stable and there are still disturbing acne scars or pigmentation spots visible, these can be effectively treated by means of IPL treatment, microdermabrasion or fractional laser treatment. During the consultation, the Huidzorg West skin therapist will discuss which treatment method is most suitable for your skin.

Frequently Asked Questions

Acne Tarda

In acne tarda, hormone balance is of great influence. An increased amount of male hormones or a higher sensitivity to these hormones plays a role in the development of Acne Tarda. The hormone testosterone has a stimulating effect on the sebaceous glands, resulting in increased sebum production. Due to the blockage of the sebum outlet and the overgrowth of the P. acnes bacteria, pimples are caused.

The cause of the increased amount of male hormones can be a disturbance of the hormone balance, for example PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome). In this case, acne symptoms are often combined with excessive hair growth and irregular menstruation. Contraceptives such as the pill and a (mirena) IUD can also affect the hormone balance and cause or worsen symptoms.

In addition to hormones, stress plays an important role in the development of Acne Tarda. Prolonged stress causes the release of the hormone cortisol, which is released from the adrenal glands in our bodies. The hormone cortisol can cause excessive sebum production and inflammation in the skin.

In addition to these two important triggers for Acne Tarda, there are other things that can influence and worsen Acne Tarda such as: heredity, smoking, improper skin care and foods such as dairy products and fast sugars.

The right home treatment is very important. Often, aggressive skin care products are used, which further unbalances the skin. Blackheads and inflammations can be very stubborn but are easily treated by acne therapy.
After removing the impurities, Huidzorg West can provide skin advice to prevent new blackheads and inflammations from forming. These include products with salicylic acid, glycolic acid, mandelic acid or retinol. At Huidzorg West we are happy to give you appropriate skin advice.

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