A natural phenomenon.

Ageing Skin

Skin ageing is a natural phenomenon of the skin which is inevitable for everyone. It is a gradual process that starts from the 25th year of life and often only really starts to become visible between the 35th and 40th year of life.

During the skin ageing process, the breakdown of collagen and elastin fibres is greater than their production. The result is skin sagging, which ultimately results in fine lines and wrinkles.

Frequently asked questions about ageing skin
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Types Ageing Skin

Skin ageing comes in different forms. Common types of skin ageing are:

Age spots, also called lentigo solaris, are common benign (light) brown pigmentation spots in the skin.

An age-related wart is similar to a mole. It’s a rough, uneven, brown spot.

Fine lines give our face expression, but over the years these lines become deeper and deeper.

Sun damage is a skin phenomenon that is common in later life. You will get little rough spots on your skin.

Treatments against Ageing Skin

The ageing process differs from person to person. Skin ageing, for example, can manifest itself through sagging skin and wrinkles, but also through the appearance of pigmentation spots or benign skin tumours. During the initial consultation, we will discuss your symptoms and assess your skin. Then we come up with a tailor-made treatment plan. Huidzorg West also has a wide range of effective skin care products for ageing skin that can help to improve the skin.Huidzorg West offers various innovative anti-ageing treatments:

Frequently Asked Questions

Ageing Skin

In many cases, the skin therapists of Huidzorg West make use of advanced laser techniques or peeling treatments. These techniques are also often combined to treat skin ageing in different ways, for an optimal treatment result.

At Huidzorg West we work with fractional lasers; the most effective Erbium Glass laser, Nordlys Ellipse Fraxx 1550nm and a Dermablate Erbium Yag laser. These lasers stimulate the production of collagen and elastin. This stimulation effectively treats superficial wrinkles and sagging skin.

A “chemical” peel is an effective and simple way to improve the condition of the skin and give it a fresh appearance. It can be used well with light wrinkles.For deeper wrinkles, a TCA peel is often used. This peel improves the superficial skin structures and reduces wrinkles.

This method is often combined in a treatment process with the fractional laser.

Pigmentation marks and age spots caused by the skin ageing process can be removed effectively and safely by means of an IPL or laser treatment for pigmentation. This will give you a smoother skin again.

Cryotherapy selectively treats benign skin sites by freezing the tissue. The aim of this therapy is to make the skin smoother and more even, and the spots become less visible or disappear. The skin then heals without scarring.

With coagulation, the benign skin areas are selectively treated by means of superficial tissue burns. The aim of this therapy is to make the skin smoother and more even, and the spots become less visible or disappear. The skin then heals without scarring.

Everyone can suffer from skin ageing. The speed and extent of skin ageing depends on a number of factors, namely hereditary predisposition but also external factors that we ourselves are partly responsible for, such as smoking, UV radiation, hormones, nutrition and air pollution.

In addition to the treatments in the practice, the use of the right skin care products is very important. Neostrata’s products contain ingredients with high percentages of retinol and antioxidants to reduce wrinkles and improve uneven skin tone, such as pigmentation.

Protect yourself from the sun. The use of a sunscreen with a broad spectrum filter is important. At Huidzorg West, for example, we recommend the products of Heliocare. These mineral products have both a UVA and UVB filter, and also have a visible light and infrared light filter. These filters are of great importance in the skin ageing process. At Huidzorg West we are happy to give you appropriate skin advice.Do you want to start using skin care products? Then try our skin quiz.

See our pricelist for the cost of treating Ageing Skin.

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