Milia is a blockage of the sebaceous or sweat glands and look like a small white grain just under the skin. This harmless condition gives the skin an irregular and disfiguring effect.
Frequently asked questions about miliaMake an appointment
Milia is a blockage of the sebaceous or sweat glands and look like a small white grain just under the skin. This harmless condition gives the skin an irregular and disfiguring effect.
Frequently asked questions about miliaAt Huidzorg West we offer various treatments to remove milia effectively and without risk. During an initial consultation, we give advice and adapt the treatment to your skin.
The skin condition known as milia often occurs on dry and poorly hydrated skin. In addition, milia can be caused by regular sunbathing or by burns and other damage to the skin.
Milia occurs on dry and dehydrated skin. An eye cream or moisturiser can help to better moisturise the skin and subsequently reduce the appearance of milia.
We do not recommend removing milia yourself. The skin can be damaged by improper removal of milia, which can lead to scarring or inflammation.
The skin therapist can remove these expertly by means of acne therapy. At Huidzorg West we are happy to give you appropriate skin advice. If you want to start with skin care products, take the skin quiz for the right advice.