Helping your skin heal.

Residual acne

After active acne, in many cases residual acne remains. Residual acne such as acne scars, post inflammatory hyperpigmentation, post inflammatory erythema or hypopigmentation are residual symptoms of active acne.

Frequently asked questions about residual acne
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Treatments against Residual acne

In the treatment of residual acne, the focus is on removing the last visible inflammation and blackheads. The treatment will then focus on the residual symptoms, so that in addition to acne-free skin, redness, pigmentation and scarring will also be reduced.In the case of a residual acne, a combination of different treatment methods is often recommended. Which treatment method is most suitable depends on the skin type. During an initial consultation, we give advice and adapt the treatment to your skin.

Frequently Asked Questions

Residual acne

After experiencing active acne, a residual acne can develop. This can manifest itself in both a small degree of inflammation and blackheads, but in many cases also in acne scars, large pores, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, post-inflammatory erythema or hypopigmentation.

The correct home treatment is of great importance. In case of residual acne, a product with retinol or glycolic acid will be advised in many cases. These products accelerate skin renewal and reduce the appearance of residual elements such as redness and dark spots.

At Huidzorg West we advise skin care products that balance the skin first. We go back to basics and guide you through this process.

Once the skin is balanced, the skin therapist considers whether additional skin care is required to stabilise the residual acne and reduce the residual symptoms.

We are happy to give you appropriate skin advice. If you want to start with skin care products, take the skin quiz.

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