Treating leg dimples at home

Are you bothered by the dimples in your legs? We have already covered this in a previous blog.But what can you do about this at home? We’ll tell you more about this.

Preventing or treating leg dimples at home

Do you want to prevent or reduce the appearance of dimples in the legs? In this case, it is important to take active steps. We often speak of the Golden Triangle:

  1. Nutrition
  2. Sports
  3. Treatment

When it comes to cellulite, it is especially important that you pay attention to your diet. Keeping active is also good for your overall condition, as well as for keeping your skin tight and healthy. Besides, a treatment can prevent the dimples in the legs from getting worse, and even reduce them.

The Golden Triangle


It is very important to pay attention to your diet during the lipomassage treatment. It is important to include detoxifying and strengthening nutrients. This can be in the form of extra proteins, because proteins are the building blocks of your body. In addition, it is important to keep drinking enough, such as enough water or green tea. They reduce fluid retention and promote the elimination of waste products.



It is also recommended to do extra sport during the course of the treatment. Ideally, this should be done just a few hours after a treatment, as by then the metabolism is already well underway. Exercising will then help your body to dispose of the released waste. The supplementary removal of these released substances, including, for example, fatty acids, will only enhance the result.


During the course of the treatment, it is possible that you may be a little tired at first. The waste products released can produce this effect. A good reason to start exercising more to avoid this effect. Just walking is not enough, you really need to get that heart rate up.

What happens when the treatment comes to an end?

Unfortunately, the ageing process goes on and your cells will change under its influence. Unfortunately, we see that cellulite is often linked to hormonal influences. So it is also a matter of predisposition whether you are susceptible to this faulty fat storage.

The lipomassage treatment will not remove fat cells, but will, as it were, empty them. This also improves the tissue condition. Once the treatment has been completed, it is possible that, due to the aforementioned factors, the tissue will sag again and show signs of cellulite. It is therefore recommended to continue with maintenance treatments to keep the tissue active and strong.
Do you have any questions after reading this article, or would you like to make an appointment? Feel free to contact us, we will be happy to help you.

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