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Sebaceous gland hyperplasia

Sebaceous gland hyperplasia literally means a visible enlargement of the sebaceous glands in the skin. When you have a lot of bumps in your face and/or neck, it is often very unsightly and therefore upsetting.

These bumps are common on the face and neck, where you see several small, yellow or skin-coloured bumps with a small ‘crater’ of 2-3 mm in your skin. These bumps do not cause pain and do not itch.

Frequently asked questions about sebaceous gland hyperplasia
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Treatments against Sebaceous gland hyperplasia

We can treat sebaceous gland hyperplasia in an effective and safe manner at Huidzorg West. During an initial consultation, we discuss your symptoms, and we look at the condition of your skin. We will then discuss a tailor-made treatment plan with you.In many cases, a combination of the different treatment methods is used. Depending on, for example, the size of the spot, these bumps can be removed by:

Treatments against Sebaceous gland hyperplasia

Frequently Asked Questions

Sebaceous gland hyperplasia

In many cases, the Huidzorg West skin therapists use a combination of the various treatment techniques.

The most suitable treatment technique is assessed for each spot of skin.Fibromas are often small skin lesions, so as a rule, they can usually be removed easily. By removing the fibromas, the skin will have a smoother and more even appearance.

Curettage is the removal of benign skin defects using a sterile sharp ring. The skin is anaesthetised with a spray, after which the curette is used to scrape off the unevenness of the skin.

During the electro coagulation treatment, an electric current is sent via a fine needle to the benign skin spot, which is then heated and destroyed.A numbing cream can be used as a pre-treatment; this is especially recommended for larger areas or areas that are more difficult to treat, such as around the eye.

In cryotherapy, the skin spots are treated selectively by freezing the tissue. The aim of this therapy is to make the skin smoother and more even, and the spots become less visible or disappear. The skin then heals without scarring.

The exact cause for the development of sebaceous gland hyperplasia is not yet known, but there are a number of factors that play a role in the development of this condition. These causes are:


The exact cause for the development of sebaceous gland hyperplasia is not yet known, but there are a number of factors that play a role in the development of this condition. These causes are:

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