Treat redness safely and effectively.


Birthmark or also called naevus of unna, as this red spot is called in Latin. This red discolouration is a congenital vasodilatation often found in the neck. This is common in newborn babies. This skin disorder is a harmless vasodilatation of the superficial vessels in the skin of the baby’s neck.

The birthmark is a pale pink spot or spots that can be removed. Often when the child is excited or crying, the spot can be more noticeable.

Frequently asked questions about birthmark
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Treatments against Birthmark

The birthmark consists of superficial vascular structures that can be treated effectively with the innovative and advanced IPL and/or laser equipment at Huidzorg West.This reduces the contrast between the red spots and your own complexion. Treatment of the birthmark is only possible from puberty and with permission from parents and/or carers.

Frequently Asked Questions


Unfortunately, there are no measures that can influence the presence or course of the birthmark.

Often IPL therapy is the most effective treatment method in reducing the redness present in the neck.

A birthmark is a benign skin spot and therefore does not need to be treated. However, this red spot can be experienced as aesthetically unsightly, and then reduction or removal of the spot would be possible.A birthmark does not disappear by itself for everyone. The birthmark is still visible at a later age in 10-50% of the people.

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