Emphasis on treatment for self-mutilation scars lies on reducing the visibility of the scars and the contact with the undamaged skin. For example, the skin may show pigmentation variations, or redness or differences in texture may be in the foreground. In the case of self-mutilation scars, it is important that the skin has not been damaged for a long time.
Huidzorg West treats self-mutilation scars effectively with a fractional laser. This method is mainly used to reduce the appearance of scars. This can be done with both atrophic scars and hypertrophic scars. In addition to improving the skin’s structure, it also reduces any red and dark skin discolouration.
For self-mutilation scars, chemical peels are often used. An example of an effective peel is a TCA peel. This peel improves the superficial skin structures and flattens the scars. This method is often combined in a treatment process with the fractional laser.
It is not always possible to start a laser treatment or peel immediately in the case of self-mutilation scars. Here, a camouflaging product can offer a solution. By using a special fixing product, the camouflage is resistant to water and smudging.