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Lipoedema literally means fat and fluid accumulation. It’s a painful, chronic disease. In lipoedema, there is a disorder in the production of adipose tissue that occurs mainly in women. In lipoedema, there is a large amount of unevenly distributed fat under the skin, which is mainly located on the hips, thighs, knees and lower legs. The arms may also be affected, which is less common. The abnormal fat distribution means that the fat cells attract moisture or the drainage via the lymphatic vessels is not optimal. This results in an accumulation of fat and moisture under the skin.

The first symptoms of lipoedema are disproportionately heavy legs, hips, buttocks and/or arms. The excess fatty tissue suddenly stops at the knees or ankles, or at the elbows or wrists. Weight loss has hardly any influence on these fat and moisture accumulations, upper and lower body can differ by two to three clothing sizes. In addition, lipoedema can lead to painful symptoms. It also causes rapid bruising and can lead to fatigue and joint problems. In severe cases, lipoedema can also lead to restriction of movement.

Frequently asked questions about lipoedema
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Treatments against Lipoedema

If you suffer from lipoedema, you have come to the right place. All skin therapists at Huidzorg West are certified oedema therapists and can offer a wide range of treatment techniques.

The therapy to be used depends on the indication. In the initial consultation, we discuss the symptoms and assess the skin and the oedema. We then discuss the best treatment plan and which treatment method is suitable for this.

Frequently Asked Questions


Lipoedema is a condition that is not (yet) always recognised by health insurance companies. As a result, any compensation depends on various factors.

The skin therapists of Huidzorg West are specialised in these complaints and can therefore provide you with extensive information about possible reimbursements from the health insurance company during a consultation and after assessing your complaints.

Lipoedema has several stages:

Stage 1: The symptoms may have been present for years. The skin still feels soft and has a regular consistency. However, a clear size difference between the upper and lower body can already be seen.

Stage 2: The skin is characterised by a coarser structure and also feels more uneven. The skin can also feel hard. This often refers to the orange peel or cellulite. The size differences become larger and the skin bruises more easily.
Stage 3: In this stage, we see an increasing degree of fatty tissue accumulation, and the legs may change shape as a result. At this stage, lymphoedema is also often diagnosed, because the increasing fat cells slow down the drainage or draw more fluid towards them.

Endermotherapy is a therapy that can smoothen and loosen the tissue by means of suction and rolling. In the case of lipoedema, this means that the fluid drainage can be stimulated by the lifting and rolling out technique, thereby smoothing out the accumulated fat cells.

If your treatment can be reclaimed from the health insurance, a referral from a GP or medical specialist is necessary.

In the beginning, the treatments may be considered sensitive or painful. The skin can also give an increased chance of bruising, due to the poor circulation and sensitive skin.

If there is a feeling of congestion in the legs, compression products can provide relief.

A lighter pressure stocking specifically selected for the existing symptoms is preferred. This reduces pain and promotes the removal of accumulated fluid.

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